Elvir Bunek
Project Manager
Aurora Marketing Oprema - Eco Point franchise
Bilateral Meetings
- 29. 05. 2015 Friday (13:00 p.m. - 16:00 p.m.)
DescriptionBy implementing own innovative, highly ecological product in residential buildings, we have developed a business system that:
• living in urban environment residential buildings leads to a higher level with a lot benefits
• a strong impact on environmental protection and recycling of paper waste generated in households
• a variety of services and commodities provides the possibility of favorable and very effective advertising
Organization Type
Phone051 262 700
Email info@aurora-marketing.hr
CityRijeka 51000, Franje Čandeka 32 Google map
Areas of Activities
Environment protection
Nudimo novu franšizu Eco Point / We offer a new franchise Eco Point
Tražimo franšizoprimce za sve gradove i regije.
Mi smo nova franšiza sa svojim jedinstvenim proizvodom i načinom poslovanja u industriji unutarnjeg oglašavanja sa snažnim utjecajem na recikliranje otpadnog papira.
Također tražimo osobu ili organizaciju koja nas može povezati s potencijalnim investitorima.
We are looking for franchisees for all cities and regions.
We are a new franchise with own unique product and way of doing business in the industry of indoor advertising with a powerful influence on the recycling of waste paper.
We are also looking for a person or organization which can connect us with potential investors.