
Ivana Boban Jagodic

Owner, HR consultant & coach
Vis Animi

Bilateralni sastanci

  • 29. 05. 2015 Petak (13:00 p.m. - 16:00 p.m.)
OpisVis animi is specialized in human resources management in SME's sector. Through outsourcing model we help businesses to improve work processes that affect business results.

Our services and activites
HR - sustainable business growth through developing awareness of the importance of caring and the approach to employees
Coaching - assisting individuals to attain life satisfaction, finding purpose and realize their potential.
Conference - 1.st regional conference for HR development in SME's named H2H conference (Human to Human conference).
Vrsta organizacije Konzultant
GradSesvete, Ljudevita Posavskog 25b Google map
Sektor poslovanja

Poslovno savjetovanje (konzultanti)


    Business consulting, Human resource development, H2H conference

    Razvoj ljudskih potencijala u malom i srednjem poduzetništvu, implementacija sustava, edukacija i podrška menadžmentu vezana za zaposlenike

    Ključne riječi: human resourcescoaching


    Life & Business coaching

    Ključne riječi: coachingpersonal development

    Franchise partners, H2H conference

    1.st regional conference for human resource development for SME
    held in Zagreb, Nov. 2014
    Developing plans for Serbija in progress, plans for expansion in the region

    Ključne riječi: event management